What We Can Do For You

De-fit & Re-fit

Build it up, tear it down. If you build it, they will come. Any other choice quotes we can squeeze in here you reckon?

This is probably the most fun of all our work. Rip it all out and start again. Sometimes artists need a blank canvas. We’ll tear the space down to nothing and then re-create something that makes your business space stand out from all others.

And what’s more, we’ll manage the whole thing from start to finish – including planning, budgeting, trades and finishing.

Picture this: There’s a space that’s become available in a busy suburban shopping centre. You ponder if it can be done, but after crossing all the t’s and dotting the i’s you make an investment you’re sure will carry your business to the next level.

Now you need someone to make good on the vision you have to make this space really pop. That’s where Elite Construct come in. You meet with Aaron and Evan and within minutes realise that this is the partnership you were looking for.

A short time later, your vision is born.

Bupa Dental, Arndale


Project Management

Let’s face it – life is busy enough as it is without trying to go it alone on a construction project.

If your company is thinking about building some new premises, or expanding the ones you’re in – talk to Evan or Aaron. These guys have been doing this sort of thing for over a decade. And they pay attention. So they learn how to do it right first time in the most efficient manner.

New building projects should be an exciting time for your company. Too often they turn into nothing but extra loads of stress as you try to coordinate trades to get the job done. Leave it in the hands of the professionals at Elite Construct. You’re guaranteed the job will be done with the best people and on time. Plus, it leaves you to live your life without the extra stress.